News Articles


Racial, as the Coronavirus crisis revealed the importance of technology in securing economic transactions and easing isolation measures, but deeper than that, it determined the parameters of the technological future on the basis of the fifth generation and artificial intelligence, which has become an essential feature of progress for societies.
LONDON – The global health crisis has constituted a fundamental shift in technology, as it confirmed its value in moving economies and their fortification against fluctuations, which shed light on future trends towards fifth-generation networks and artificial intelligence in light of their rapid progress and leadership for the progress of countries.
Cisco revealed the most prominent technology trends for the year 2021 and beyond, which it sees as promising opportunities to enhance the resilience of companies and their readiness to successfully face unexpected future challenges.
The company sees 2020 as the future of digital transformation arriving faster than expected.
Cisco expects this to continue through 2021 when the expected trends will become the basis for 2024 a reality sooner.
Numerous new innovations herald major changes in the new year, and as we have learned from the pandemic, preparing for the unexpected is crucial.
In this context, Reem Asaad, Vice President of Cisco in the Middle East and Africa, said, “With the start of the pandemic, we have cooperated with our customers to move from the concept of business continuity to the speed and flexibility of the business. It’s also helped us deliver and scale innovative app experiences faster than ever before. With these changes in mind, today we monitor six major trends that define the immediate future of the technology and information technology industry.”
She added, “As the year 2020 showed, the pace of technological change is moving very quickly, and we expect this to continue through 2021. The pandemic has been a very difficult experience, but digitization has played a vital role in helping companies, institutions, and individuals during this crisis.”
“I still look optimistically towards the future and the positive role technology plays in our daily lives,” she added.
Cisco research and reports illustrate the most prominent technology trends that it expects to see during the year 2021, which are: Six major trends. The first trend lies in bridging the digital divide, as the society supported by Internet technologies and economic activity will continue for those who have the ability to use this precious resource, but that is limited to half the world population only.
The pandemic has underlined the urgent need to expand access to the Internet. Currently, only 35 percent of developing countries have access to the Internet, compared to 80 percent in more advanced economies.
The introduction and expansion of 5G and Wi-Fi networks will improve bandwidth, speed, response time, and places of access, especially where optical fibers are expensive.
As a result, all mobile workers on the front lines, telehealth, manufacturing, and education sectors will benefit. This will bridge the digital divide as these new technologies spur growth and innovation for millions of people. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, providing Internet connectivity to disconnected communities would add $6.7 trillion to the global economy and lift nearly 500 million people out of poverty.
As for the second trend, it is to enhance the experience and safety by relying on sensors, like health, safety, and welfare sensors, whether personal or related to the workforce, which will occupy the forefront in 2021.
Label-like sensors will be used to track health and well-being through sports sensors that monitor health status. The data-driven insights provided by sensors will help provide a safer, healthier, and more productive workplace.
Combined with 6 and 5G Wi-Fi, location technologies, and collaboration solutions like WebX, these sensors will identify underutilized or crowded spaces, while monitoring room temperature, humidity, air quality, and light.
According to the Cisco Global Workforce Survey, 96 percent of companies are able to provide better work environments using smart workplace technology.
The third trend focuses on the most important pillars of the future, which are flexibility and speed based on applications. The cloud helped companies adapt quickly in the first months of the pandemic, and after ten months, the main applications of many companies became widely distributed.
The workforce is more able to be connected on the go than ever before, resulting in an unprecedented demand for systems.
IT teams will need more flexibility and with monitoring solutions, teams can shift to monitoring relevant data and critical insights.
According to the Cisco CIO Insight and Trend Blues study, as transformations continue to scale, insights, insights, and automation will be critical to future growth, competitiveness, and resilience.
About 75 percent of CIOs and IT decision-makers are looking to better benefit from business insights.
The fourth trend is through the experience of customers in the enthusiasm for the brand. Mobile and smart devices have changed the course of daily life, and mobile applications have become available for shopping, banking, learning, and others.
Providing Internet connectivity to disconnected communities would add about $6.7 trillion to the global economy and lift nearly 500 million people out of poverty
During the pandemic, apps have become essential tools for contact tracing and mobile apps enable public and private sector companies to communicate with users in unique ways as most business processes are also run through apps.
Today’s advanced applications allow for more personal interaction, along with instant responses. This requires the ability to rapidly transform huge volumes of instant information from the network into actionable insights.
Companies that use such capabilities can respond to the customer even before the problem is reported. This combination of unique interactive experience and intelligence-based personalization will transform customer satisfaction and elevate it to more user interaction, enthusiasm, and loyalty.
Moreover, 71 percent of CIOs and IT decision-makers agreed that customer experience is more than just satisfying but about making them happy.
Trend 5: Identity and a future without passwords On-the-go connectivity, distributed work, and the increased use of cloud solutions have delivered huge benefits in terms of scalability and cost, but at the same time brought more cyber threats. Zero Trust’s mistrust approach can address these challenges.
One of the main causes of security breaches remains the loss or theft of identification data, which has been exacerbated by the massive shift we have seen towards remote work. We will see further expansion of the use of biometric technologies as platforms, industry groups, and security solution providers work to shape a password-free future for consumers and businesses.
Companies need to start preparing for this inevitable shift, as users will abandon the traditional password as their primary method of identification. According to the Dew Trusted Access 2020 report, 80 percent of mobile devices used for work have biometrics ready for use, which equates to a 12 percent increase over the past five years.
Trend Six: Consumption Models For Technologies They Really Need Companies have long invested in public digital solutions and often incur costs for features that users don’t need.
Today, software as a service enables businesses to pay only for the features they currently need.
They can then quickly scale up to other services as and when needed. Consumption models will continue to shift, especially as more features and capabilities become available across software, both on-premises and in the cloud.
These pay-as-you-go models are highly flexible and cost-saving. This shift to a pay-as-you-go approach will give companies more flexibility and cost predictability to manage IT expenditures, something that 85 percent of CIOs and IT decision-makers agree is important to their business. During the year of Corona, the world was waiting for news of vaccines, perhaps it would be a light at the end of the tunnel that everyone entered, and this covered many technological innovations.
But the pandemic will leave implications for technological developments during 2021, as it made technology and the Internet a focus of great interest at the height of the epidemic that isolated people from each other.
Journalists of the “New York Times” wrote about their expectations about technological expectations during the coming months, including digital transfers that forced the Coronavirus crisis and the restrictions that accompanied many to adopt smartphone applications in payments instead of the traditional method using cash.
Internet Giants Challenges
Major technology companies such as Facebook, Google, and others will face many complications, such as lawsuits in the courts against the background of monopoly, and US President-elect Joe Biden is not expected to be lenient with these companies.
Social networks will face a legal battle this year over Section 230 of the Internet Ethics Act, which previously provided them with legal protection.
Life behind screens is more: Apps like Zoom and Google Meet have been around for years, but they rebounded during the “Year of Corona,” forcing them to update their features to take into account the huge influx of users, and are likely to remain in use in 2021.
It is likely that new applications that talk about fitness such as “Apple Fitness” and other applications will emerge in various fields, making our lives behind screens more than reality.
Forbes magazine believes that the technological trends in 2021 will mainly include artificial intelligence, that is, devices that simulate human intelligence and improve their work based on the information they collect.
Artificial intelligence was strongly present during the Corona pandemic and is likely to be present also during 2021, as the huge data that is collected about patients and infection is large, which needs machine learning algorithms, as it is able to detect many solutions.
Robots, drones, and vehicle automation: As the Coronavirus crisis has shown, it is expected that there will be more initiatives regarding smart driving vehicles, and it will be a priority for the transport service provider and the authorities, in order to reduce costs from human labor, especially with the fluctuation in the number of passengers. Robots and drones have appeared in recent years, especially in the areas of care, surveillance, and photography.
Robots and Drones
It can be expected that robots will be increasingly relied upon to provide hourly assistance to people at home, and to provide companionship when care workers are not at home.
It is likely that drones will be used in the field of delivering vital medicines to the home, and this requires improving their performance by providing them with new computer vision algorithms.
It is expected that there will be a boom in the networks of the fifth generation of mobile communications, and this network does not only mean faster loading of Internet pages or less time waiting for videos to play on the Internet.
Any progress in the speed of the communication network opens the door to technological developments. 4G services have allowed the growth of video and music services, and this means that 5G services may make augmented reality technologies more applicable at any time and place.
Fifth-generation services may overthrow traditional communications such as cable-based networks.


Perhaps you have never heard of learning styles or learning styles in English. However, even if you don’t, you probably have a general idea of what style of learning is right for you. For example, you may well know that it’s hard for you to absorb new information just by listening, but once you get moving and put it into practice, the information gets stuck in your head faster. Or maybe you love listening to audiobooks, but can’t stand reading a paper book! What you describe yourself when learning new things is what we mean by learning style.
It can be really frustrating to sit in a class without understanding why you can’t understand the lesson. You know you’re not stupid, but you seem incapable of getting the information into your head. You may encounter another problem, as you may find yourself able to understand the lesson perfectly from one teacher, while you fail to understand the simplest information from another teacher!! If you have ever had such feelings, it is mainly due to your own learning style.
Once you understand how and why you learn in a certain way, you can improve your learning experience, and that feeling of being stupid or foolish will completely disappear. Simply put, you will be able to stand up for yourself and your own style of learning.
Psychology has never stopped studying and researching in the field of education in order to understand what is known as the learning process, how the student understands information, the way in which he learns, and the difference between students in receiving and understanding information.
+Learning patterns are one of the results of these studies in the field of education. Learning patterns are known as They are the methods that the student employs in order to understand information and acquire knowledge, as the methods and methods of receiving and understanding information differ from one student to another.
Learning styles differ from one student to another, as we find a student who can understand the information by converting it into a song and another who can understand it by writing the information more than once. A student is very important, as knowing the student’s learning style helps increase the ability to acquire and understand the information in less time than usual and reduces the trouble and effort in understanding information.

When did learning styles appear?

Learning styles first appeared at the hands of New Zealand professor Neil Fleming and was known as the “educational theoretical model” or “VARK”, which classifies the way students learn and understand information.
Fleming explains in his model that each student has a special way of receiving and understanding information, and the fact that the educational institution or the teacher knows the learning patterns of his students helps him to choose the appropriate educational strategies for his students, next to something very important, which is the teacher’s dependence on the delivery of information based on the student’s learning style and not dependence on his intelligence.
Types of learning styles or VARK model to know how students learn and ways to understand information
In fact, there are many different theories dealing with the topic of learning styles, and the following are some of the most famous of these theories.
I will write about the four learning styles within the VARK model developed by Neil Fleming, they are visual learners, auditory learners, read & write, and kinesthetic learning. Receive and understand information.
Learning style by reading and writing Read & Write
It is one of the most prevalent patterns among students in the world, and the owners of this style depend on continuous reading and writing of information in order to receive information, acquire it and understand it well, and the best learning methods for them are intensive reading of information and then writing it on paper.
How does the owner of the learning style learn through reading and writing?
The owner of the reading and writing style learns a simple strategy consisting of the following three points:
Writing intensively for the scientific material to be learned and understood.
To increase the understanding of the material and gain a deeper knowledge of it, the learner reformulates the main ideas of the material.
Making graphs and additional attachments for the scientific article and appending them to the scientific article within its own file.

Visual learners style of learning

The owner of this style is distinguished by his ability to imagine and visualize, and the best teaching aids suitable for this style are pictures, maps and graphs, as well as videos, diagrams and models.

How does the owner of the learning style learn by sight?

The visual style learner based on the frequent use of images, graphs, and videos.
Then he tries to remember the drawings, pictures, and information they contained
Identification of key words or titles and important parts in clear and different colors
Making mind maps for scientific material.
Visual learners are often drawn to the fields of technical knowledge or STEM, which stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Examples of jobs that are suitable for this type of learner are: photographer. Building. graphic design. decoration. architecture. Physics. publicity and announcement. geometries. surgery.
How do you use this pattern for a better learning experience? Here are some tips to help you get more out of your visual learning ability:
1- Use colors The first step is to use color. During the study process, you can write notes in different colors, or shade dates in blue, for example, and names in yellow. Colors are your weapon, use them in whatever way you see fit to remember information better.
2- drawing Instead of expressing your thoughts in writing, you can simply paint them. Instead of writing the steps for solving a particular problem, express them with illustrations. Here, too, use color to enhance your ability to remember information. This method is not only effective in science or mathematics subjects, but you can use it in learning language and literature. Suppose, for example, that you have a complex paragraph that you have to analyze, instead of trying to memorize it or read a detailed explanation of it. What do you think about drawing a painting that expresses its content?!
3- Graphs and charts It is a very effective method, especially in scientific subjects such as mathematics and science. But you can also use it in other subjects such as geography! Always try to represent numbers and statistics in the form of graphs and graphs, this will help you better to analyze and remember them. With the available technologies, you can use various computer programs and applications for that.

Auditory learners

Do you sometimes talk to yourself when you’re overwhelmed with thought? while studying? Or during the arrangement process? If you are, you are probably an auditory learner!
The owner of this style learns based on the sound, so you will find that he prefers listening to lectures or scientific material and enjoys educational conversations and discussions through learning groups.

How does the owner of the learning style learn by hearing?

The auditory type learns by recording lectures and listening to them again or occasionally.
It is also based on educational discussions with others or during learning groups
Explain the scientific material to others
any job that requires a lot of listening and/or speaking is probably best suited to an auditory learner. these functions include, for example: radio and television broadcasting. areas of law and law. education. treatment of speech and language problems. consulting.

kinesthetic movement learning style

The kinesthetic learning style is one of the most important and most common learning styles for students, as it is linked to reality and the use of practical training and experiments in order to understand information or scientific material. The owner of this style is distinguished by his superior ability to learn any field through experience.
Kinesthetic learners do better when they do something, or when they move their bodies and combine that with what they are learning at a given moment.
Jobs that allow physical activity and movement of the body are a great option for a kinesthetic learner. This type of learner often expresses their inability to stay in one place, and that office jobs are not suitable for them. So they tend to have jobs like: Sports professionalism. Farming. carpentry; natural therapy. Mechanical works.

How does the owner of the learning pattern learn through movement?

He must use real life examples to understand the information
Re-conduct scientific experiments or practical training
Use pictures to illustrate ideas
After knowing learning styles and their importance in helping us receive and understand information better and faster, it remains to know our learning style, and you can do this by taking a VARK test to know your learning style , knowing that you can have more than one learning style where there is Many people have more than one learning style and may have all four in varying degrees, in general this is what you will know after taking the test.

3324 Words

The Coronavirus crisis was radical in that it demonstrated the importance of technology in securing economic transactions and easing isolation measures, but it also established the parameters of the technological future on the basis of fifth generation and artificial intelligence, which has become an essential feature of progress for societies.
LONDON (Reuters) – The global health crisis represented a fundamental shift in technology, as it confirmed its value in moving economies and fortifying them against fluctuations, shedding light on future trends toward fifth-generation networks and artificial intelligence in light of their rapid progress and leadership for country progress.
Cisco revealed the most prominent technology trends for the year 2021 and beyond, which it sees as promising opportunities to improve companies’ resilience and readiness to face unexpected future challenges.
The company believes that the future of digital transformation will arrive sooner than expected in 2020.
Cisco expects this to continue until 2021, when the expected trends will make 2024 a reality sooner.
Numerous new innovations herald significant changes in the coming year, and as we learned from the pandemic, being prepared for the unexpected is critical.
In this regard, Reem Asaad, Vice President of Cisco in the Middle East and Africa, stated, “Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have worked with our customers to shift from the concept of business continuity to the speed and flexibility of the business.” It has also enabled us to deliver and scale innovative app experiences more quickly than ever before. With these changes in mind, we are currently tracking six major trends that will define the near future of the technology and information technology industries.”
She said, “As the year 2020 shown, the speed of technological development is accelerating, and we anticipate this to continue beyond 2021. The epidemic has been a traumatic experience, but digitalization has been critical in assisting businesses, organizations, and people through this catastrophe.”
“I continue to be hopeful about the future and the wonderful role that technology plays in our everyday lives,” she continued.
Cisco studies and analyses highlight the following technical developments that the company expects to see in 2021: There are six primary tendencies. The first trend is bridging the digital gap, as society will continue to be sustained by Internet technology and economic activity will continue for those who have the capacity to access this valuable resource, which is restricted to just half of the world’s population.
The epidemic has highlighted the critical need to extend Internet access. Currently, only 35% of developing countries have Internet access, compared to 80% in more advanced economies.
The deployment and extension of 5G and Wi-Fi networks will enhance capacity, speed, reaction time, and access points, particularly in areas where optical fibers are costly.
As a result, all front-line mobile workers, telehealth, manufacturing, and education sectors will benefit. As a result of these new technologies, millions of individuals will be able to overcome the digital gap. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, connecting unconnected places to the Internet would contribute $6.7 trillion to the global economy and raise roughly 500 million people out of poverty.
The second trend is to improve experience and safety by depending on sensors, such as health, safety, and welfare sensors, whether personal or connected to the workforce, which will be prominent in 2021.
Sports sensors that measure health status will utilize label-like sensors to track health and well-being. Sensor data-driven insights will contribute to a safer, healthier, and more productive workplace.
These sensors, when combined with 6 and 5G Wi-Fi, location technologies, and collaboration solutions such as WebX, would detect underused or congested places while monitoring room temperature, humidity, air quality, and light.
According to the Cisco Global Workforce Survey, smart workplace technology allows 96 percent of firms to deliver improved work conditions.
The third trend focuses on the most crucial future pillars, which are application-based flexibility and speed. The cloud aided firms in swiftly adapting during the initial months of the epidemic, and within ten months, many organizations’ major apps were broadly disseminated.
The workforce is more mobile and connected than ever before, creating an unprecedented demand for systems.
IT teams will need more adaptability, and with monitoring solutions, teams may move their focus to monitoring important data and crucial insights.
As transformations continue to scale, insights, analytics, and automation will be crucial to future growth, competitiveness, and resilience, according to the Cisco CIO Insight and Trend Blues report.
Around 75% of CIOs and IT decision-makers want to get more out of business analytics.
The fourth trend is based on consumer excitement for the brand. Mobile and smart gadgets have altered the path of everyday life, and mobile apps for shopping, banking, learning, and other purposes are now accessible.
Connecting unconnected places to the Internet would contribute $6.7 trillion to the global economy and raise roughly 500 million people out of poverty.
Applications have become vital tools for contact tracking during the epidemic, and mobile apps allow public and private sector firms to engage with consumers in novel ways, since most corporate activities are also handled via apps.
Today’s sophisticated apps provide more personal engagement as well as rapid replies. This necessitates the capacity to swiftly translate massive amounts of real-time network data into usable insights.
Companies that have such skills may react to customers even before they notice an issue. This unique interactive experience combined with intelligence-based personalization will transform customer satisfaction and elevate it to higher levels of user interaction, enthusiasm, and loyalty.
Furthermore, 71% of CIOs and IT decision-makers agreed that customer experience is about more than just satisfying them, but also making them happy.
Identity and the Future Without Passwords On-the-go connection, remote work, and growing usage of cloud solutions have provided significant advantages in terms of scalability and affordability, but have also raised security dangers. The mistrust approach of Zero Trust can address these issues.
One of the most common causes of security breaches is the loss or theft of identification information, which has been exacerbated by the massive shift toward remote work. The use of biometric technologies will grow further as platforms, industry groups, and security solution providers collaborate to create a password-free future for consumers and businesses.
Companies must begin planning for this inevitable shift, in which users will abandon the traditional password as their primary method of identification. According to the Dew Trusted Access 2020 research, biometrics are ready for usage on 80 percent of mobile devices used for work, a 12 percent rise over the previous five years.
Sixth Trend: Consumption Models for Necessary Technologies Companies have long invested in public digital solutions, incurring costs for features that end users do not require.
Nowadays, software as a service allows organizations to pay just for the functionality they need.
They may then swiftly expand up to additional services as and when required. Consumption patterns will continue to alter, particularly as more features and capabilities become accessible across software, both on-premises and in the cloud.
These pay-as-you-go arrangements are very flexible and cost-effective. This change to a pay-as-you-go model will provide firms with more flexibility and cost predictability in managing IT spending, which 85 percent of CIOs and IT decision-makers say is critical to their company. During Corona’s year, the world awaited vaccine news, hoping that it would be a light at the end of the tunnel that everyone would enter, and this encompassed many technical breakthroughs.
However, the pandemic will have ramifications for technical breakthroughs in 2021, since it made technology and the Internet a hot topic during the height of the outbreak, which alienated people from one another.
The “New York Times” journalists wrote about their technical expectations for the next months, including digital transfers that pushed the Coronavirus outbreak and the constraints that led many to embrace smartphone apps in payments instead of the old technique of using cash.
Internet Giants’ Obstacles
Major digital corporations such as Facebook, Google, and others will face several obstacles, such as monopoly cases, and US President-elect Joe Biden is not likely to be gentle with these businesses.
This year, social networks will confront a judicial struggle over Section 230 of the Internet Ethics Act, which previously afforded them legal protection.
Life behind the camera is more: Apps like Zoom and Google Meet have been available for a long time, but they resurfaced during the “Year of Corona,” causing them to enhance their capabilities to accommodate the massive surge of users, and they are expected to be used in 2021.
New fitness-related apps, such as “Apple Fitness,” and other applications are anticipated to appear in numerous industries, putting our lives behind screens more than reality.
According to Forbes magazine, the most important technology developments in 2021 will be artificial intelligence, or technologies that replicate human intellect and enhance their job depending on the data they gather.
Artificial intelligence was prominent during the Corona pandemic and is anticipated to be so again in 2021, given the massive amount of data generated on patients and infections, which necessitates machine learning algorithms capable of detecting numerous solutions.
Drones, robots, and vehicle automation: As the Coronavirus issue shown, more efforts relating smart driving cars are anticipated, and it will be a priority for transportation service providers and authorities in order to cut expenses from human labor, particularly with the volatility in the number of passengers. In recent years, robots and drones have arisen, particularly in the fields of care, surveillance, and photography.
Drones and robots
Robots are likely to be increasingly depended on to give hourly help to individuals at home, as well as companionship when care staff are not there.
Drones are anticipated to be utilized in the delivery of important medications to the house, which necessitates increasing their performance by equipping them with new computer vision algorithms.
The fifth generation of mobile communications networks are expected to boom, and this network does not only mean faster loading of Internet pages or less time waiting for videos to play on the Internet.
Any advancement in communication network speed opens the door to technological advancement. Because 4G services enabled the growth of video and music services, 5G services may make augmented reality technologies more accessible at any time and in any location.
Traditional communications, such as cable-based networks, may be supplanted by fifth-generation services.


Perhaps you’ve never heard of learning types or English learning styles. Even if you don’t, you probably have a basic sense of what learning style is best for you. For example, you may be aware that it is difficult for you to absorb new information simply by listening, but once you get moving and put it into practice, the information becomes more ingrained in your mind. Or perhaps you enjoy listening to audiobooks but despise reading paper books! What we mean by learning style is how you characterize yourself while learning new things.
It can be very frustrating to sit in a class and not understand why you are unable to understand the lesson. You know you’re not stupid, but you can’t seem to get the information into your head. Another issue is that you may be able to understand the lesson perfectly from one teacher while failing to understand the most basic information from another!! If you’ve ever felt this way, it’s probably because of your own learning style.
Once you understand how and why you learn the way you do, you can improve your learning experience and eliminate the feeling of being stupid or foolish. Simply put, you will be able to advocate for yourself and your preferred learning style.
Psychology has never stopped studying and researching in the field of education in order to understand what is known as the learning process, how a student understands information, how he learns, and how students differ in receiving and understanding information.
Learning patterns are one of the outcomes of these educational studies. Learning patterns are referred to as They are the strategies that students use to grasp information and gain knowledge, since the methods and methods of receiving and interpreting information vary from student to student.
Learning styles vary from student to student, as we find one who can understand the information by converting it into a song and another who can understand it by writing it more than once. Knowing a student’s learning style helps increase the ability to acquire and understand information in less time than usual and reduces the trouble and effort involved in understanding information.

When did learning styles first emerge?

Learning styles were first introduced by New Zealand professor Neil Fleming as the “educational theoretical model” or “VARK,” which categorizes how students learn and understand information.
In his model, Fleming explains that each student has a unique way of receiving and understanding information, and the fact that the educational institution or the teacher is aware of his students’ learning patterns assists him in selecting the appropriate educational strategies for his students, in addition to something very important, which is the teacher’s reliance on the delivery of information based on the student’s learning style rather than his intelligence.
Learning styles or the VARK model can help you understand how students learn and how to understand information.
In fact, there are numerous theories concerning learning styles, and the following are some of the most well-known of these theories.
I will write about the four learning styles identified in Neil Fleming’s VARK model: visual learners, auditory learners, read and write learners, and kinesthetic learners. Receive and comprehend information
Reading and writing are two methods for learning. Read and write
It is one of the most common patterns among students worldwide, and owners of this style rely on continuous reading and writing of information in order to receive, acquire, and understand information well, and the best learning methods for them are intensive reading of information and then writing it on paper.
The owner of the learning style learns by reading and writing.
The owner of the reading and writing style learns a basic method that includes the three things listed below:
Writing frequently in order for scientific material to be learned and understood.
The learner reformulates the main ideas of the material in order to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of it.
Creating graphs and other attachments for the scientific article and attaching them to the scientific article in its own file.

Learning styles of visual learners

The ability to imagine and visualize distinguishes the owner of this style, and the best teaching aids suitable for this style are pictures, maps, and graphs, as well as videos, diagrams, and models.

How does the owner of the visual learning style learn?

The visual learner is distinguished by the frequent use of graphics, graphs, and videos.
Then he attempts to recall the drawings, photographs, and information included inside them.
Identification of significant phrases or titles, as well as crucial elements, in distinct colors
Making mind maps for scientific information.
Visual learners are frequently drawn to technical knowledge or STEM fields, which stand for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Photographer. Building. graphic design. decoration. architecture. Physics. publicity and announcement. geometries. surgery are examples of jobs suitable for this type of learner.
How do you apply this pattern to improve your learning experience? Here are some pointers to help you make the most of your visual learning abilities:
1- Make use of colors The first step is to incorporate color. During the learning process, you may add notes in various colors, such as blue for dates and yellow for names. Colors are your weapon; use them however you see fit to help you remember information better.
2nd. drawing Instead of writing down your thoughts, you can simply paint them. Instead of writing down the steps to solving a specific problem, illustrate them. Color can also be used to help you remember information. This method is useful not only for science and mathematics, but also for language and literature learning. Assume you have a complex paragraph that you need to analyze rather than memorize it or read a detailed explanation of it. What do you think about drawing a painting that expresses its subject matter?!
3- Diagrams and charts It is an extremely effective method, particularly in scientific subjects like mathematics and science. However, it can also be used in other subjects such as geography! Always try to represent numbers and statistics in graphs and graphs; this will help you analyze and remember them better. You may use many computer programs and apps to do this using the available technology.

Auditory students

Do you ever speak to yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed by thoughts? when you’re studying? Or during the planning stage? If so, you are most likely an auditory learner!
Because the owner of this learning style learns by sound, he loves to listen to lectures or scientific content and appreciates educational exchanges and debates through learning groups.

How does the possessor of the hearing learning style learn?

The auditory learner records lectures and listens to them again and again.
It is also founded on educational conversations with people or learning groups.
Any career that needs a lot of hearing and/or speaking is typically best suited to an auditory learner. Radio and television broadcasting, areas of law and law, education, and treatment of speech and language difficulties are examples of these roles. consulting.

learning style based on kinesthetic movement

The kinesthetic learning style is one of the most important and widely used among students because it is linked to reality and the use of practical training and experiments to understand information or scientific material. This style is distinguished by the owner’s superior ability to learn any field through experience.
Kinesthetic learners perform better when they do something or move their bodies in conjunction with what they are learning at the time.
Jobs that require physical activity and movement of the body are ideal for kinesthetic learners. This type of learner frequently expresses an inability to stay in one place and claims that office jobs are not for them. So they tend to have jobs like: Sports professionalism. Farming, carpentry, and natural therapy Mechanical operations.

How does the learning pattern’s owner learn through movement?

To grasp the information, he must use real-life examples.
Re-run scientific experiments or provide practical training
Use images to illustrate concepts.
After learning about learning styles and their importance in helping us receive and understand information better and faster, the next step is to identify our own learning style, which you can do by taking a VARK test, keeping in mind that you can have more than one learning style. Many people have more than one learning style and may have all four to varying degrees; in general, you will know this after taking the test.

Manually Copy Text To Your Clipboard
The Coronavirus crisis was radical in that it demonstrated the importance of technology in securing economic transactions and easing isolation measures, but it also established the parameters of the technological future on the basis of fifth generation and artificial intelligence, which has become an essential feature of progress for societies.
LONDON (Reuters) – The global health crisis represented a fundamental shift in technology, as it confirmed its value in moving economies and fortifying them against fluctuations, shedding light on future trends toward fifth-generation networks and artificial intelligence in light of their rapid progress and leadership for country progress.
Cisco revealed the most prominent technology trends for the year 2021 and beyond, which it sees as promising opportunities to improve companies’ resilience and readiness to face unexpected future challenges.
The company believes that the future of digital transformation will arrive sooner than expected in 2020.
Cisco expects this to continue until 2021, when the expected trends will make 2024 a reality sooner.
Numerous new innovations herald significant changes in the coming year, and as we learned from the pandemic, being prepared for the unexpected is critical.
In this regard, Reem Asaad, Vice President of Cisco in the Middle East and Africa, stated, “Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have worked with our customers to shift from the concept of business continuity to the speed and flexibility of the business.” It has also enabled us to deliver and scale innovative app experiences more quickly than ever before. With these changes in mind, we are currently tracking six major trends that will define the near future of the technology and information technology industries.”
She said, “As the year 2020 shown, the speed of technological development is accelerating, and we anticipate this to continue beyond 2021. The epidemic has been a traumatic experience, but digitalization has been critical in assisting businesses, organizations, and people through this catastrophe.”
“I continue to be hopeful about the future and the wonderful role that technology plays in our everyday lives,” she continued.
Cisco studies and analyses highlight the following technical developments that the company expects to see in 2021: There are six primary tendencies. The first trend is bridging the digital gap, as society will continue to be sustained by Internet technology and economic activity will continue for those who have the capacity to access this valuable resource, which is restricted to just half of the world’s population.
The epidemic has highlighted the critical need to extend Internet access. Currently, only 35% of developing countries have Internet access, compared to 80% in more advanced economies.
The deployment and extension of 5G and Wi-Fi networks will enhance capacity, speed, reaction time, and access points, particularly in areas where optical fibers are costly.
As a result, all front-line mobile workers, telehealth, manufacturing, and education sectors will benefit. As a result of these new technologies, millions of individuals will be able to overcome the digital gap. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, connecting unconnected places to the Internet would contribute $6.7 trillion to the global economy and raise roughly 500 million people out of poverty.
The second trend is to improve experience and safety by depending on sensors, such as health, safety, and welfare sensors, whether personal or connected to the workforce, which will be prominent in 2021.
Sports sensors that measure health status will utilize label-like sensors to track health and well-being. Sensor data-driven insights will contribute to a safer, healthier, and more productive workplace.
These sensors, when combined with 6 and 5G Wi-Fi, location technologies, and collaboration solutions such as WebX, would detect underused or congested places while monitoring room temperature, humidity, air quality, and light.
According to the Cisco Global Workforce Survey, smart workplace technology allows 96 percent of firms to deliver improved work conditions.
The third trend focuses on the most crucial future pillars, which are application-based flexibility and speed. The cloud aided firms in swiftly adapting during the initial months of the epidemic, and within ten months, many organizations’ major apps were broadly disseminated.
The workforce is more mobile and connected than ever before, creating an unprecedented demand for systems.
IT teams will need more adaptability, and with monitoring solutions, teams may move their focus to monitoring important data and crucial insights.
As transformations continue to scale, insights, analytics, and automation will be crucial to future growth, competitiveness, and resilience, according to the Cisco CIO Insight and Trend Blues report.
Around 75% of CIOs and IT decision-makers want to get more out of business analytics.
The fourth trend is based on consumer excitement for the brand. Mobile and smart gadgets have altered the path of everyday life, and mobile apps for shopping, banking, learning, and other purposes are now accessible.
Connecting unconnected places to the Internet would contribute $6.7 trillion to the global economy and raise roughly 500 million people out of poverty.
Applications have become vital tools for contact tracking during the epidemic, and mobile apps allow public and private sector firms to engage with consumers in novel ways, since most corporate activities are also handled via apps.
Today’s sophisticated apps provide more personal engagement as well as rapid replies. This necessitates the capacity to swiftly translate massive amounts of real-time network data into usable insights.
Companies that have such skills may react to customers even before they notice an issue. This unique interactive experience combined with intelligence-based personalization will transform customer satisfaction and elevate it to higher levels of user interaction, enthusiasm, and loyalty.
Furthermore, 71% of CIOs and IT decision-makers agreed that customer experience is about more than just satisfying them, but also making them happy.
Identity and the Future Without Passwords On-the-go connection, remote work, and growing usage of cloud solutions have provided significant advantages in terms of scalability and affordability, but have also raised security dangers. The mistrust approach of Zero Trust can address these issues.
One of the most common causes of security breaches is the loss or theft of identification information, which has been exacerbated by the massive shift toward remote work. The use of biometric technologies will grow further as platforms, industry groups, and security solution providers collaborate to create a password-free future for consumers and businesses.
Companies must begin planning for this inevitable shift, in which users will abandon the traditional password as their primary method of identification. According to the Dew Trusted Access 2020 research, biometrics are ready for usage on 80 percent of mobile devices used for work, a 12 percent rise over the previous five years.
Sixth Trend: Consumption Models for Necessary Technologies Companies have long invested in public digital solutions, incurring costs for features that end users do not require.
Nowadays, software as a service allows organizations to pay just for the functionality they need.
They may then swiftly expand up to additional services as and when required. Consumption patterns will continue to alter, particularly as more features and capabilities become accessible across software, both on-premises and in the cloud.
These pay-as-you-go arrangements are very flexible and cost-effective. This change to a pay-as-you-go model will provide firms with more flexibility and cost predictability in managing IT spending, which 85 percent of CIOs and IT decision-makers say is critical to their company. During Corona’s year, the world awaited vaccine news, hoping that it would be a light at the end of the tunnel that everyone would enter, and this encompassed many technical breakthroughs.
However, the pandemic will have ramifications for technical breakthroughs in 2021, since it made technology and the Internet a hot topic during the height of the outbreak, which alienated people from one another.
The “New York Times” journalists wrote about their technical expectations for the next months, including digital transfers that pushed the Coronavirus outbreak and the constraints that led many to embrace smartphone apps in payments instead of the old technique of using cash.
Internet Giants’ Obstacles
Major digital corporations such as Facebook, Google, and others will face several obstacles, such as monopoly cases, and US President-elect Joe Biden is not likely to be gentle with these businesses.
This year, social networks will confront a judicial struggle over Section 230 of the Internet Ethics Act, which previously afforded them legal protection.
Life behind the camera is more: Apps like Zoom and Google Meet have been available for a long time, but they resurfaced during the “Year of Corona,” causing them to enhance their capabilities to accommodate the massive surge of users, and they are expected to be used in 2021.
New fitness-related apps, such as “Apple Fitness,” and other applications are anticipated to appear in numerous industries, putting our lives behind screens more than reality.
According to Forbes magazine, the most important technology developments in 2021 will be artificial intelligence, or technologies that replicate human intellect and enhance their job depending on the data they gather.
Artificial intelligence was prominent during the Corona pandemic and is anticipated to be so again in 2021, given the massive amount of data generated on patients and infections, which necessitates machine learning algorithms capable of detecting numerous solutions.
Drones, robots, and vehicle automation: As the Coronavirus issue shown, more efforts relating smart driving cars are anticipated, and it will be a priority for transportation service providers and authorities in order to cut expenses from human labor, particularly with the volatility in the number of passengers. In recent years, robots and drones have arisen, particularly in the fields of care, surveillance, and photography.
Drones and robots
Robots are likely to be increasingly depended on to give hourly help to individuals at home, as well as companionship when care staff are not there.
Drones are anticipated to be utilized in the delivery of important medications to the house, which necessitates increasing their performance by equipping them with new computer vision algorithms.
The fifth generation of mobile communications networks are expected to boom, and this network does not only mean faster loading of Internet pages or less time waiting for videos to play on the Internet.
Any advancement in communication network speed opens the door to technological advancement. Because 4G services enabled the growth of video and music services, 5G services may make augmented reality technologies more accessible at any time and in any location.
Traditional communications, such as cable-based networks, may be supplanted by fifth-generation services.


Perhaps you’ve never heard of learning types or English learning styles. Even if you don’t, you probably have a basic sense of what learning style is best for you. For example, you may be aware that it is difficult for you to absorb new information simply by listening, but once you get moving and put it into practice, the information becomes more ingrained in your mind. Or perhaps you enjoy listening to audiobooks but despise reading paper books! What we mean by learning style is how you characterize yourself while learning new things.
It can be very frustrating to sit in a class and not understand why you are unable to understand the lesson. You know you’re not stupid, but you can’t seem to get the information into your head. Another issue is that you may be able to understand the lesson perfectly from one teacher while failing to understand the most basic information from another!! If you’ve ever felt this way, it’s probably because of your own learning style.
Once you understand how and why you learn the way you do, you can improve your learning experience and eliminate the feeling of being stupid or foolish. Simply put, you will be able to advocate for yourself and your preferred learning style.
Psychology has never stopped studying and researching in the field of education in order to understand what is known as the learning process, how a student understands information, how he learns, and how students differ in receiving and understanding information.
Learning patterns are one of the outcomes of these educational studies. Learning patterns are referred to as They are the strategies that students use to grasp information and gain knowledge, since the methods and methods of receiving and interpreting information vary from student to student.
Learning styles vary from student to student, as we find one who can understand the information by converting it into a song and another who can understand it by writing it more than once. Knowing a student’s learning style helps increase the ability to acquire and understand information in less time than usual and reduces the trouble and effort involved in understanding information.

When did learning styles first emerge?

Learning styles were first introduced by New Zealand professor Neil Fleming as the “educational theoretical model” or “VARK,” which categorizes how students learn and understand information.
In his model, Fleming explains that each student has a unique way of receiving and understanding information, and the fact that the educational institution or the teacher is aware of his students’ learning patterns assists him in selecting the appropriate educational strategies for his students, in addition to something very important, which is the teacher’s reliance on the delivery of information based on the student’s learning style rather than his intelligence.
Learning styles or the VARK model can help you understand how students learn and how to understand information.
In fact, there are numerous theories concerning learning styles, and the following are some of the most well-known of these theories.
I will write about the four learning styles identified in Neil Fleming’s VARK model: visual learners, auditory learners, read and write learners, and kinesthetic learners. Receive and comprehend information
Reading and writing are two methods for learning. Read and write
It is one of the most common patterns among students worldwide, and owners of this style rely on continuous reading and writing of information in order to receive, acquire, and understand information well, and the best learning methods for them are intensive reading of information and then writing it on paper.
The owner of the learning style learns by reading and writing.
The owner of the reading and writing style learns a basic method that includes the three things listed below:
Writing frequently in order for scientific material to be learned and understood.
The learner reformulates the main ideas of the material in order to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of it.
Creating graphs and other attachments for the scientific article and attaching them to the scientific article in its own file.

Learning styles of visual learners

The ability to imagine and visualize distinguishes the owner of this style, and the best teaching aids suitable for this style are pictures, maps, and graphs, as well as videos, diagrams, and models.

How does the owner of the visual learning style learn?

The visual learner is distinguished by the frequent use of graphics, graphs, and videos.
Then he attempts to recall the drawings, photographs, and information included inside them.
Identification of significant phrases or titles, as well as crucial elements, in distinct colors
Making mind maps for scientific information.
Visual learners are frequently drawn to technical knowledge or STEM fields, which stand for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Photographer. Building. graphic design. decoration. architecture. Physics. publicity and announcement. geometries. surgery are examples of jobs suitable for this type of learner.
How do you apply this pattern to improve your learning experience? Here are some pointers to help you make the most of your visual learning abilities:
1- Make use of colors The first step is to incorporate color. During the learning process, you may add notes in various colors, such as blue for dates and yellow for names. Colors are your weapon; use them however you see fit to help you remember information better.
2nd. drawing Instead of writing down your thoughts, you can simply paint them. Instead of writing down the steps to solving a specific problem, illustrate them. Color can also be used to help you remember information. This method is useful not only for science and mathematics, but also for language and literature learning. Assume you have a complex paragraph that you need to analyze rather than memorize it or read a detailed explanation of it. What do you think about drawing a painting that expresses its subject matter?!
3- Diagrams and charts It is an extremely effective method, particularly in scientific subjects like mathematics and science. However, it can also be used in other subjects such as geography! Always try to represent numbers and statistics in graphs and graphs; this will help you analyze and remember them better. You may use many computer programs and apps to do this using the available technology.

Auditory students

Do you ever speak to yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed by thoughts? when you’re studying? Or during the planning stage? If so, you are most likely an auditory learner!
Because the owner of this learning style learns by sound, he loves to listen to lectures or scientific content and appreciates educational exchanges and debates through learning groups.

How does the possessor of the hearing learning style learn?

The auditory learner records lectures and listens to them again and again.
It is also founded on educational conversations with people or learning groups.
Any career that needs a lot of hearing and/or speaking is typically best suited to an auditory learner. Radio and television broadcasting, areas of law and law, education, and treatment of speech and language difficulties are examples of these roles. consulting.

learning style based on kinesthetic movement

The kinesthetic learning style is one of the most important and widely used among students because it is linked to reality and the use of practical training and experiments to understand information or scientific material. This style is distinguished by the owner’s superior ability to learn any field through experience.
Kinesthetic learners perform better when they do something or move their bodies in conjunction with what they are learning at the time.
Jobs that require physical activity and movement of the body are ideal for kinesthetic learners. This type of learner frequently expresses an inability to stay in one place and claims that office jobs are not for them. So they tend to have jobs like: Sports professionalism. Farming, carpentry, and natural therapy Mechanical operations.

How does the learning pattern’s owner learn through movement?

To grasp the information, he must use real-life examples.
Re-run scientific experiments or provide practical training
Use images to illustrate concepts.
After learning about learning styles and their importance in helping us receive and understand information better and faster, the next step is to identify our own learning style, which you can do by taking a VARK test, keeping in mind that you can have more than one learning style. Many people have more than one learning style and may have all four to varying degrees; in general, you will know this after taking the test.


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