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The primary objective of any library is to offer the parent institution enough and current information and material resources to support the academic program (Ali, 2005). It is essential to teach students and other library users on how to access and retrieve such materials due to the proliferation of library holdings and technological developments in information handling and retrieval methods. To guarantee that students have the intellectual aptitude and skills to access material and create a framework for learning, the university library offers library instruction, sometimes referred to as “user education,” “instructional program,” and other titles (Hsiao, 2000). Therefore, effective library instruction will enhance information retrieval and knowledge of library resources. Due to the influx of intellectual and scientific publications, libraries and librarians are engaged in the collection, processing, preservation, and dissemination of information resources in a variety of media. According to the literature, the quantity of information available right now, however, is too large to be easily accessed. Users must thus be able to sort through and choose crucial information (Fortson, 2010). The task of selecting information is difficult without excellent library training for students who may not have visited or had previous knowledge of how to utilize library resources, and there cannot be a healthy connection between the students and the library (Ben, 2007). User libraries are thus necessary for the best use of information resources, especially at libraries and information centers. Two-thirds of those surveyed said that if the print tool was busy, they would wait for the CD-ROM to become available before printing. However, a study of online scientific information searching in Delhi’s science and technology libraries discovered that a sizeable number of users (nearly 60%) encounter several difficulties when browsing electronic information, including a lack of knowledge about the resources, a lack of trained staff, and a lack of terminals. Ali (Ali, 2005). (Ali, 2005). The use of electronic resources by professors, students, and research scientists at universities and research organizations has also been investigated. Seventy-eight percent (78%) of respondents said they depend more on their research now than they did before they started using UGC-Infonet e-journals, and they need both electronic document supply services and current article alert services (Madhusudhan, 2008). East African School of Library and Information Science at Makerere University in Uganda conducted research on electronic information access and consumption in developing countries in 2008. Only 190 of the 250 students that were targeted responded, yielding a 76 percent response rate. According to the research, users get a variety of advantages from using electronic resources, including access to a wider variety of knowledge and improved academic achievement as a consequence of having access to high-quality material. According to Dadzie (2007), in a traditional library setting in Ghana, electronic resources are good research tools that support print-based resources. She claims that its advantages include access to information that the user would be unable to get due to geographical location or financial restrictions, access to more current information, and extensive connections to pertinent resources. China (2004) investigated how ICTs were used in ten public library systems in Africa. Even though most libraries have access to the internet, the survey found that only a tiny portion of them provide their customers with web-based information services. The study identifies four obstacles to providing effective electronic resources in those libraries, including a lack of strategic planning, insufficient or inconsistent funding, a lack of Internet use to provide information services to users, and a lack of consistent user training for new ICT services. Anyadike (2000) found a connection between student effectiveness in the classroom and library utilization. According to his study, pupils who frequent the school library do better academically than those who don’t. According to Gardner (2012), fundamental reform in American higher education is required to be examined. Laird (2005) found that participation in information and library-related activities (such as using the library website to find academic resources, asking librarians for help, etc.) was positively and moderately correlated with student engagement in other areas; specifically, participation in information technology was associated with the factor. Other studies have also examined the relationship between library use, student learning, and student engagement (for example, working with other students on class projects, working with other students outside of class, etc.). According to Nicholson (2003), several academics have examined the relationship between library use and academic achievement; however, many of these studies have limitations because of their age or sample size restrictions (Scotti, 2010). There are few studies examining the connection between library usage and student results since many libraries do not collect data on students’ use of services to protect library customers’ privacy. The successful environment at their schools might be enhanced by school counselors. Additionally, they provide a variety of options to help pupils enhance their academic achievement (Brown, 2009). The use of the library by children is significantly influenced by school counselors. For instance, school counselors are acknowledged as experts who are skilled in rehabilitating negative personalities into good ones and enacting behavioral changes via the use of guidance and counseling techniques (Anyanwu, 2004). Computer-assisted instruction (CAI), instructional television (ITV), and programmed teaching are early examples of the use of information technology in education (PI). The most recent and arguably most well-known examples are degree-granting programs from fully accredited universities that are given through “distance learning” on the web. Technology succeeds when it is adopted by society. Excellent examples include chalkboards, educational movies and videos, overhead projectors and transparencies, Microsoft PowerPoint software, and maybe the most well-known of them, the textbook. Both teaching and learning may be seen as processes or constrained subsections of larger activity streams. The instructor completes one, while the pupil completes the other. Learning may or may not come through teaching (Baer, 2009). The two processes have no known or unmistakable connection. Wenger (2008), however, asserts that there are no unifying principles between teaching and learning. More importantly, instructional and teaching resources may be used to facilitate learning in ways that aren’t necessarily in line with pedagogical objectives. For instance, reading assignments in a literary course may cause students to learn something unrelated to the goals of the lesson plan. Another way to say it is that what is taught and what is learned could not be the same.


Statement of the problem: 1.2

Over the years, Nigeria’s dropping literacy rate and educational standards have attracted a lot of attention, but the nation’s political leaders have done little to address the issue (Malone, 2007). There are undoubtedly many different points of view on how to improve the standard of education in Nigeria. The educational systems in the nation are in disrepair and unable to provide high-quality education, particularly in the digital era. In essence, not all Nigerian universities are related to one another (connected to the internet). This could be a result of neglect or high expense. Because the majority of Nigerian students enrolled in higher education institutions lack computer literacy, they are unable to profit from the incentives and advantages provided by the E-library, which has a negative or little impact on learning performance (Kubey, 2001). A view of the aforementioned problems, the goal of this research is to ascertain the extent to which an electronic library may contribute to the development of Nigeria’s educational system by enhancing students’ academic performance in postsecondary institutions.


This study’s main objective is to ascertain how Nigerian students’ academic performance is impacted by electronic libraries. The study, particularly those conducted at the tertiary level, tries to:

Find out what kind of library the pupils are currently utilizing.

ii. Ascertain the degree to which the students have profited from the university’s introduction of E-library services.

iii. Identify the problem that students are having while trying to access the E-library.


i. What sorts of libraries do students now use?

What benefits have students received from the university’s deployment of E-library services?

What difficulties do students have while using the online library?


For educators, parents, and learners alike, this study is crucial. This study will help students at Nigerian tertiary institutions comprehend how E-Libraries affect their academic performance.


The study will provide academics additional knowledge about how electronic libraries affect students’ academic performance at tertiary institutions in Nigeria. So, samples will be taken from a few universities in Lagos State.


The study could only be conducted in one local government area due to time constraints and a lack of funding.

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