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Starting a new chapter in one’s life might be likened to attending university. When a student leaves his or her parents’ home for university, a new adventure begins. This journey involves a great deal of self-reliance, self-esteem, and being able to stand on one’s own, which shapes the student’s attitude as well as his or her character.
Many students are unprepared for the obstacles that university life may bring, and the implications of this have a detrimental influence on such individuals.
To be prepared for this element of life, it is necessary to be familiar with the most prevalent ones and their answers.


Let me begin with an ancient adage: “EVIL COMMUNICATION CORRUPTS GOOD MANNERS.”
Yes, excellent manners are becoming tainted by wicked messages. Peer pressure tends to increase in intensity as students progress through the grades; by the time they reach university, fitting in has become a priority and, for many, a source of anxiety.
It is a continual source of concern for parents since negative peer pressure may lead to poor self-esteem, making choices for oneself, and engaging in undesirable or risky actions.
The influence has a beneficial impact when they surround themselves with peers who make excellent judgments and are active in positive activities and choices, as well as having friends who boost their self-esteem and confidence.


Stress is one of the most significant factors that students must prepare for since the university is notorious for stress and it is also the first time many students are away from home and accountable for academic success. Let’s have a look at what creates stress in university.

Academic Stress: Changing classes causes students unnecessary stress. Most professors want students to complete assignments, projects, and study for tests/exams. For example, in the project, some lecturers instruct students to write research papers, journals, and constructions and participate in extracurricular activities.
Family Stress: Parents place unnecessary stress on their children. They may believe they are assisting them by placing high expectations on them, which is beneficial but having too many causes additional stress. Divorce, family finances, and poor communication are some of the issues that families face that can cause stress for students. Students want to be free, but they can’t be free while being dependent on their families. As a result, they are unable to achieve their objectives unless they rely on family.
Financial Concerns: Every student is concerned about their finances. They are concerned about how they will pay for their tuition, housing, and other necessities. Even students who have covered the entire cost are concerned about money. Some students do not want to burden their parents with the cost of university, but they are aware that they require financial assistance. As a result of feeling guilty about spending their parents’ money, students may seek more financial aid. Students graduate with a loan ranging from #50,000.00 to #200,000.00 or more. Many students choose to work part-time while in school to help pay for classes, books, and living expenses. Working part-time reduces the amount of time available for study.
Sleeping habits: Students are used to sleeping late, unaware that sleeping too little contributes to stress.
Poor eating habits: Not eating on time or eating insufficient food also causes stress because after going through all the stress one faces in school, one should not eat or still eat in a minute quantity isn’t ideal enough, which causes stress because I don’t know where one will find the energy to carry out the activities of the following day.

Although stress helps to foster self-reliance, self-esteem, and the ability to stand alone, most kids are too reliant on their parents for every little inconvenience, which isn’t ideal. Stress is a normal emotion that cannot be controlled; instead, one must manage the difficult conditions in which one finds himself or herself.


It’s also known as procrastination. Students who don’t have control over their time wind up putting off things until the last minute, causing a lot of stress when they attempt to catch up. If you let too many things sit, you may miss the deadline, thus it is critical to managing one’s time since time is an issue in life, not just at university.
If you can’t manage your time, you’re probably always late for lectures that require punctuality, and punctuality is very important in university because lack of punctuality does not make one look professional, and people pay attention when you’re unable to show up on time versus when you’re punctual.
Time mismanagement may result in;

Exam/test results that are below par.
Academic suspension.
Scholarship revoked.

Those with inadequate management often labor long hours to complete their tasks.
Overextension- This is when a person takes on more work than he can do, resulting in harmful stress.


One is sent to school to learn what one does not know. A pupil who is an excellent reader will outperform his or her less talented friends academically. Reading is an important part of the university experience because it helps students expand their minds and exposes them to new perspectives and ideas.
Reading also assists the reader in organizing their thoughts, even subjects that may be unfamiliar to them.
Now, in terms of university, if one does not read, one is doomed to fail since there is no way to pass without reading, and there is a proverb that says, ‘The higher one goes up, the harder it gets.’ You will be startled by that statement, but it is true since the deeper one goes, the more difficult it gets, thus one must make reading a habit that must be followed daily.
Reading helps a lot with writing and speaking, and note-taking and outlining are also highly useful while reading.
“Setting objectives” is also a crucial component of reading since one is reading with a purpose, gaining experience by analyzing their tactics and trying to replicate them.
Healthy competitions are also very important among your peers because there will undoubtedly be someone better than you in some way. After all, you will have a lot of friends, through which you will know those who are better than you, and the best thing is to join them because you guys have the same ambitions.
Religious activities are also important, even if they have a detrimental influence on pupils to some level. Join religious organizations based on one’s faith since prayer is required after reading.
If one can follow the principles stated above on how to adapt and live in university, there should be no problems.


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